Showcase presentation guideline


We invite all presenters to familiarise themselves with guidelines for the type of presentation event they are conducting at the 2014 World Dance Alliance Global Summit (WDAGS) in Angers, France. These guidelines, as part of the agreement with CNDC and the University of Angers, were developed so that all presenters have a fair and equal share in the facilities and time provided for each program in the Global Summit. It is the presenters’ responsibility to familiarise themselves with this information and adhere to the strict times allocated to each presentation.

Please note that all venues are non-smoking. It is forbidden to smoke (tobacco and electronic cigarettes) on the CNDC or University of Angers premises in conformity with French law. It is also forbidden to bring food and drink (with the exception of water) into the lecture theatres, seminar rooms or studios.

WDA Global Summit participants are required to respect the safety instructions issued by relevant staff of the university or CNDC.

WDA, CNDC, University of Angers and their representatives are not liable for any loss or damage to personal items at any of the venues or accommodation.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the general guidelines, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Please check the website regularly for additional information and updates as they become available.

Showcase participants

  • A stage plan and tech specs required on the CNDC template must be returned by 1 June with a clear video of the work (marking format if not European). Any special AV or set requirements must be specified on the technical spec form.
  • A studio will be provided from 4.00–5.00 pm for warm-up prior to each performance (please refer to the master classes guideline for a good use of this studio)
  • Each Showcase work will be allocated one hour on the day of performance for spacing, sound check, lighting and run through, programmed by the CNDC technical staff.
  • The presence of the participants is required before the beginning of the one hour rehearsal. In case of lateness, the participants will see themselves remove their delay from the allocated hour in order to not spoil the good run of the program.
  • All props and costumes must be brought by the presenters. There is limited storage space available. All props must be identified by the performers in advance. Outside storage of props and costumes is the responsibility of the presenters.
  • Music CDs for performance need to be handed in a day before your presentation and should be tested with the designated technical staff member to ensure it is working. Please keep second copy of the music CD with you for backup purposes.
  • For dressing room allocations please check the announcement posted for Showcase performers in the designated area.
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